My New Abode

I am snugly settled into my new place.
It is a 3 bedroom and 2 bath duplex in the area where I have been living.
I have a little pot garden along the side of my house. I'll show you that later.

This room was the first to come together.  
Actually, this is the only room I could have furnished without anyone giving me anything. 
These pictures are a few days old so there are now some new pillows on the couch compliments of my mother's sewing talents.
And, fyi, that window opens into an empty lot that looks like a pretty field. 
You can also enjoy the view of the neighbor's very large goat.  We have dubbed him "Thomas".

This is my bed which is headboardless at the moment. I have a beautiful picture in an even more beautiful frame that hopefully will be up before the week is out.
This hand me down dresser got a fresh coat of paint. It is a mint grey if you can imagine that.
This is the lovely guest room.  My dear friend Claire with red hair is living there for at least the month. She has made it her own with some cute art. The quilt on the end there was made by my mother's momma before she died especially for me.
The $7 gallon for mint grey was such a great find. 
This bookshelf got a fresh look with it as well. I have more books for the shelf. I picked up some great finds with my mom this weekend.

No pictures of weird places like laundry or bathroom.  They aren't prettied yet anyway.
I am awaiting a kitchen table so the kitchen/dining looks odd as of right now.
The third bedroom is for my permanent housemate who will move her stuff in at the end of the month and herself in early August.  


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