1st Work Christmas Party

My wonderful boss treated the whole office and their significant others to dinner at Shoguns last night for our Christmas party.
It was fun to be around my coworkers outside of work.
I got to dress up a bit. 
I *thought* I had my straightener. Apparently not. At the last minute- after I was dressed make up and all- I decided I couldn't stand it. I had to do something better with my hair. So I washed it.
Amazingly enough I really didn't have to do much facial touch up.
Thankfully my hair will blow-dry nice and straight.
Our lovely Spanish speaking receptionist Monica.
We could pick whatever we wanted off the menu.
I decided on steak and salmon. yum.
Beverage of choice. H2O.

Dr. J not only brough his beautiful bride but also his youngest little one.
Hadley doesn't particularly like "other" people yet.
She was very good the whole evening.
I think she enjoyed being out with mommy and daddy.

Dinner ended a bit earlier than I expected so I hit the road back to the Fort.
I drove in about 9:30.
Mom and I sat side by side on the couch pinteresting until we could no longer see our screens.
It was lovely.
