The Siloam Saga: Housemates

NOTE: I forgot to post this two weeks ago. Ooops!

The last two and a half weeks have been such a delight to my soul.   I have acquired housemates.  Do you know how fun it can be to have housemates?

We have laughed, danced, and eaten plenty in the past few weeks.  I've introduced them to the best BBC adaptations of my favorite Austen classics.  We've awakened early and gone to bed late.  We've prayed and discussed matters of depth and importance.  We are savoring the last little bit of summer together.

Tabitha will be leaving this weekend. She attends a local university and will be moving into the housing on campus.  Ashlee is to be a permanent fixture.  Upon returning from an internship with a church plant out East, she moved into our home.

I had forgotten how much I prefer to live with people.  I do not recognize my loneliness sometimes until I am in the company of others.  Having these sweet friends around has been good for me.  I also discovered that my love for people (and sleep) has taken precedence over my time alone with the LORD and His Word. Taking a good gift and exalting it to a wrong place.  Hmm, sounds familiar.  I had not gone so far as to not pray or spend time in the Word but it has been much more hurried or an afterthought. This, of course, ought not be so.

Praise the LORD! He is continually drawing me to Himself.  If I claim Psalm 73:28 as my own then it must be that my schedule is build around my Word/Jesus time and not that my Word/Jesus time is squeezed into my schedule.  UPDATE: I've been better about my scheduling and getting my Word/Jesus time in!
