
Friday I had the opportunity to fill in for an office here in town. The hygienist contacted me late Thursday night because she was sick with a fever. Definitely a no-go for work the next day.

Their office is wonderful. The dentist leads a devotion and prayer before the day begins. They care for, not just take care of, their patient. They practice beautiful patient centered minimal dentistry with an emphasis in preventative hygiene care.  It's fabulous. Yet, every dental office is a little different. The equipment is different.  The order of operations is sometimes a bit different.  The clinician/dentist interaction is different. The paperwork is different.  Sometimes  Always adjusting to the new is difficult.  When thrown in without any training in equipment, it is even more of an adjustment. People who are like me with that steep learning incline do not always do well. At one point in the day, I wanted to cry.  I was almost an hour behind.  I was not able to process film myself and my notes were lacking. Let me not forget the faulty equipment! But durn it, the tartar sure wasn't going to be there when I was done!

In the midst of the struggle to not allow tears to flow, God did an amazing thing. I can't exactly describe it.  He reminded me to preach the truth to myself.   He gave me patients who were totally cool with the time deferment and understood my seeming ineptness.  The staff was ready to jump in and help with whatever. And the doctor. Oh that doctor.  The man MUST love Jesus.*  I was convicted by his graciousness and kindness not only towards me but the others as well.  He was not upset by the fact that I seemed a bit clueless. He did not mind doing retakes. He found sometime to praise me about more than once.  He gently prodded another to do things they way he prefers without in the least belittling her. 

The work day was topped off by handsome compensation and comments by other staffers on how well I had done. 

I came home overwhelmed by God's goodness and by the sinfulness of my heart(i'm quick to upbraid those closest to me).  Mostly I was floored by how exceedingly abundantly I had tasted His grace.  Martial arts class and Walmart with a friend closed out the wonderful day.

He knew I needed to feel loved and Friday I felt that He loves me.

*Based on what I observed and have heard from others He is Believer.
