The Siloam Saga: Just a Peek

Yesterday I was informed that I could have this morning off...if I wanted.
I decided I'd take it.

Last night I drank coffee.
Stayed up late.
Read Esther ALOUD as inspired by this reading of Mark.
I learned some new things in the reading.
Made bread dough.

This morning I didn't get up until 8am!
Once I did I was in no hurry.
I made fresh coffee.
Baked the bread.
Worked on Psalm 21(which I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever memorize).
Met the neighbors with some Pineapple Coconut cake and chatted about an hour.

Around noon I went to visit Ms. Juanita who is was in wonderful spirits today.
She told me my eyes sparkled today.
The morning off did me good.
She asked me to sing and play Christmas songs.
I stumbled through some. Plunked many a wrong note.
One of these days I'll play something and it will be beautiful.
Apparently Christmas music isn't to be it.

 This afternoon I had a lovely time working.
Sweet patient to start off.
And nice ones subsequently.
I was also surprised by a rather extravagant (in my opinion) gift from my dentist.
He gave us all a sweet present.

I have a box of Naval oranges.
A new fleece throw blanket.
The above bag was filled with all kinds of goodies several of which contain chocolate.

 This evening I went to some new friend's home.
They have given me an open invitation to visit.
I think I'll take them up on it.
I had a great time talking to them.

I took the bread from this morning and a loaf of sweet bread from my gift bag.
It went right along with dinner then coffee.
So yummy.

Siloam. hmm. you and I might become better friends that I thought.
