Lately I've been such a terrible blogger. It hasn't even been because I don't have time! I just don't have much to say. Not that belongs on here anyway. The LORD is yet working on me. This I do know. Words will come eventually. In the mean time how about an update?
- That picture up there is of couscous, diced tomatoes and tuna with some seasonings- garlic heavy seasonings. I'm house sitting for a friend and was able to make a "diet" friendly dinner last night. Yummy!
- I sooo cheated this morning and ate a sausage biscuit from McDonalds. Mom treated Hope, Beanie, and I while we waited for Handcock's to open. We went garage salin' this morning. I found a BCBG black dress for $5. The little Asian lady came down to that for me. It was fun. Out of place stateside but fun. She was so funny making deals with mom cause "I want sell".
- I had my parent teacher meeting Thursday. It went well. Oh I haven't told you yet, have I? I'm teaching Anatomy and Physiology this fall to some homeschool kids. I'm stoked. We should have an awesome semester.
- Classes start a week from Monday. Patho Micro and Beg Spanish 1 here I come! I'm sad about not seeing my DH girls but excited to be in normal classes with everyone else.
- My Grandpa's brothers are coming in for the week. We'll be spending some time with them out at "the farm" aka Grandpa and GrammaWanda's place. Our cousin Beth will be in a week from today. She is so sweet.
- Edom the cat, thus named because he is red, went to the vet this week. Long story short- he has a couple of broken ribs. Vet thinks he'll be fine. Moral of the story? God answers prayer. This should be a post in itself.
- I got a new fluffy orange kitten today for GrammaWanda. Grandpa may shoot me.
- I've been pretty good about playing my mandolin more often. I'm up to several days a week. I don't play it for long but I can already tell my fingers have some muscle memory going on. Yay! Maybe eventually I'll be able to play a song. Whoda thunk. I've only had the thing for 3 yrs or is it 4....
- WEDDINGS! Both of my besties are getting married. One in Oct. and one in July of 2013. Meggy got engaged on the 4th of Aug and is getting married Oct 20th....of this year. We are working like crazy to get stuff in order. We are going shopping for her, Meg's, dress on Wednesday. Excitement.
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