Spring Cleaning

In the midst of the chaos
 Saturday Katy and I tore apart our room. We switched out our clothes with the change in seasons and rearranged some furniture.
Katy's side

new arrangement
Saturday afternoon we were left with this. A mostly clean room with beds that needed to be made and desks/dressers that needed some arranging.

Today I finally made my bed and cleaned off my dressers. I have too many nicknacks at the moment but some of them hold sentimental value and have other place to go.

I am so happy to have a new bed. My last bed was a trundle so it rolled every time I moved. Talk about annoying/frustrating. This particular bed doesn't fit a twin mattress and box spring. We decided to use it anyway and laid the slats across the top of the frame and put the mattress and box spring atop that. I was afraid it might not be sturdy but I was wrong. What it is though, is very tall. It comes up to the top of my thigh. I'm only 5'6"+ a little but my legs are pretty long.
Meg got me this hand for my birthday last year(?), I think it was. Love it! Katy broke the pinky off and did a sad job gluing it back on. Apparently I don't look at that finger often enough because I didn't find it until a while after it happened. Oh well.
This figurine was a garage sale find I think. Maybe someone gave her to us. I'm not sure why I've kept her. I don't usually like such things.

Have you done any fun rearranging?
