Linkin' Up!

So I'm *trying* to link up wit h Amy over HERE but, at the moment it is SO not working. Her button is in rebellion too.  Follow the HERE link and see what kinds of fun you can find.

I feel like such a bad blogger. I have posted nothing uplifting or Jesus centered in a LONG time. Such quiet is not a good sign thankfully it is only quiet to ya'll not between me and Jesus.

I needed to work on some homework over this break. Didn't happen. Bad me. I still have tonight and tomorrow...

I'm making Graduation announcements. I wasn't sure if I was going to or should make/send any. Mom helped with that one "You're graduating from College". Apparently that is kind of a big deal. :)

I have settled on what school I'll be finishing my Bachelor degree with. Funny that Texas has always held my fancy.

I am going to a new church. That is a post all in itself.

Some dogs are more heinous than others. For instance, my neighbor's dog. His bark is the equivalent to a shrieking toddler.  *nerves*

I have eaten way too much food this week. I feel full...almost at all times.

Mom has been little Ms. Crafty this week. There are some adorable skirts to show for it. Londyn is going to love her birthday present. (Her momma will at least!)

Went to Jills today with mom. It is of our fave resale places. I got two shirts for free! Happy Dance. The Banana Republic cream sweater that looked barely worn makes me happy too.

I'm off to see October Baby with my Mgirls this afternoon.  I'll let ya'll know how it goes.

Enough. Enough. I've got to let the dogs out. You're turn. What is up with you?
