It seems like forever since I have "actually" posted.  Life is busy but not too too busy.

Mom and the kiddos [minus Roger] went off to Texas this past weekend.  During that time we experienced an earthquake that I didn't feel and power outage over a good portion of town. The afore mentioned power outage began while I was not home so I returned pitch blackness and no idea where my father and brother were. Yes, I did freak. [ring, ring, ring, no answer. repeat xbajillion] Then the power came on and I got a grip, repented, pinterested, and studied. It turns out they were at the movie they told me they were going too. Ooops!

Last Wednesday I realized my outlook on clinic was all wrong.  The very attitude I did not want to have had crept in and it was wicked.  I was looking at my patients as grades and not people.  With that perspective I will be continually disappointing because things will never perfectly go my way.
Through intricate workings that I don't understand, the LORD has definitely been changing my heart. My only regret is that it has taken me so long to cooperate and let go.  I was so wanting this whole semester to be stress free and Holy Spirit filled.  Because of His work, yesterday was one of the BEST clinic days I've had- ever.  There was nothing all that spectacular with the events but my attitude- 10000x better.  My patients were/are people who need Jesus first and foremost and clean teeth secondly.  The best part was sharing the Gospel with my morning patient. [Mentioning how people share the Gospel through Henna is how the conversation began.See picture.]  If the Gospel doesn't brighten your day then my friend check your self to see if you really are of the faith!

I'm continuing to work on memorizing 1 Peter 1. The last few weeks I've learned the verses posted but not really meditated on them. I can tell the difference and it isn't a positive one. 

It seems that I talk a lot about  the LORD is teaching me this or teaching me that and I know that He is.  I want always to be one that my words of what He is doing are consistent with the outward actions.

Blessed are you O LORD who has caused us to be born again to a living hope in Christ Jesus!  May the reader be blessed with in Christ Jesus. May their relationship with you blossom and grow. May it become sweeter with time. Lord Jesus, reveal to them Yourself.  May they be encouraged in the Word and convicted by it. Sanctify them by your Truth. Your Word is Truth.  Lord,  please keep me close to You. May I be an instrument of peace with the Gospel always on my lips. May I be ready to proclaim it day in and day out. LORD, give me eyes to see my sin and a heart that yearns for You.   

But for me it is good to be near God;
        I have made the Lord GOD my refuge,
        that I may tell of all your works. 
(Psalm 73:28 ESV)
